Yannick Esteve

YannickYannick Estève

Professor of Computer Science

My main research interests are language modeling and speech recognition.
I have studied Computer Science at the Faculty of Sciences of Luminy (Marseille, France). I obtained my PhD on 2002, under the direction of Professor Renato De Mori, at the Computer Science Labs (LIA) of the University of Avignon (Avignon, France), in association with France Telecom R&D (FTRD).

I am currently working on audio document indexation, low latency ASR combination, advanced error analysis, spoken language understanding, low resources language processing, embedded ASR systems, speaker and role recognition, spontaneous speech, automatic processing of document collections ...

Courses (old and current ones)

Relational database
C language
Logic programmation
Software development tools
Technical and scientific expression
Language modelling for speech recognition
Spoken language understanding
Knowledge representation